my role within CapiSuite - new maintainer wanted (für die deutsche Mail, siehe oben)
Gernot Hillier
2005-03-23 21:59:37 UTC
Dear CapiSuite-Community!

(eine deutsche Version dieser Mail habe ich vor wenigen Minuten geschickt)

Since about a year, questions on the current status and the planned roadmap of
CapiSuite arise more or less regularly on this list. Some people also were a
bit disappointed with the slow progress - including me. Since (too) many
months, my role in this project was reduced to answering mails in the list
more or less quickly. The structural changes of the Python scripts and the
core for 0.5, which was mainly initiated by others, were delayed due to my
time restrictions and are "nearly finished" since months.

Unfortunately, my time won't permit more active involvement in the foreseeable
future. In addition, I will move to a flat soon where I possibly won't have
ISDN at all for tests with CapiSuite. And, more or less voluntarily, my focus
in the Linux area has moved to the embedded stuff due to my job. So I'm not
that up-to-date with ISDN development as I should be.

Therefore, I decided (after quite a while of uncertainity and with a heavy
heart) to resign from the CapiSuite maintainer role.

I think, that CapiSuite works more or less well for most users today. I'm
quite sure that - apart from the problems which arise here - many users are
using it successfully in their everyday work or life. Therefore, I think I
can leave the maintainer role with a clear conscience.

One of the great things with OpenSource software is that projects don't have
to die because authors aren't able or willing to continue their work for
them. I really hope that CapiSuite will profit from the OpenSource community
and will survive with an active community. I even hope, that my leave will
accelerate and not decelerate its development, if new maintainers with more
time will take the job.

So, whoever feels assigned to maintaining CapiSuite, please contact us on the
capisuite-devel mailing list. I will also write some sentences on the current
status and the planned next steps for 0.5 there so that my successors can
quickly take up the job.

I will continue to provide the infrastructure for CapiSuite as long as
necessary. The web server, the lists and the download area will stay online,
so that the new maintainers don't have to do these organizational things.

I also doubt that I'll completely vanish from our mailing lists and I suppose
I'll continue to publish some answers or patches from time to time. So - see
you again in this theatre. :)

Ok, but now it's enough with parting words. CapiSuite needs new maintainers.
Go for it! :)

Markus Busche
2005-03-24 08:10:32 UTC
Hallo Gernot,

als einer der wahrscheinlich vielen, die hier nur mitlesen, weil die
Capisuite ansonsten völlig problemlos ihren Job macht, an dieser Stelle
ein herzliches Dankeschön für Deinen Einsatz!

Für Deine berufliche & private Zukunft alles Gute - ich hoffe, Du
bleibst uns hier noch eine Weile (in einer etwas passiveren Rolle) erhalten.


Markus Busche
CSS Delfs oHG
2005-03-24 19:24:33 UTC
Auch von mir alles Gute fürs weitere Schaffen!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Markus Busche" <m.busche-S0/***@public.gmane.org>
To: <capisuite-users-***@public.gmane.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:10 AM
Subject: [Capisuite-users] Re: [Capisuite-users] my role within CapiSuite -
new maintainer wanted (für die deutsche Mail, siehe oben)
Post by Markus Busche
Hallo Gernot,
als einer der wahrscheinlich vielen, die hier nur mitlesen, weil die
Capisuite ansonsten völlig problemlos ihren Job macht, an dieser Stelle
ein herzliches Dankeschön für Deinen Einsatz!
Für Deine berufliche & private Zukunft alles Gute - ich hoffe, Du
bleibst uns hier noch eine Weile (in einer etwas passiveren Rolle) erhalten.
Markus Busche
CSS Delfs oHG
Capisuite-users mailing list
Achim Bohnet
2005-04-13 14:25:04 UTC
On Wednesday 23 March 2005 22:59, Gernot Hillier wrote:

Hallo Gernot,

an dieser Stelle noch mal ein herzliches Dankeschoen fuer capisuite.
Jeder hat wohl schonmal erlebt, dass sich seine Interessen verschoben
haben und/oder die Arbeit bzw. Privatleben neue Anforderungen stellen
[und wie be mir wochenlange nicht mehr die capisutie msgs durchsehen
kann ;)]

Es ist zwar schade fuer capisuite aber fuer dich freue ich mich!
Vielleicht kannst du ja an anderer Stelle noch mal so einen Knaller
die capisuite laden. Ich wuensche es dir!

To me vi is Zen. To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
You discover truth everytime you use it.
-- reddy-aB0odYrk/***@public.gmane.org
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