Making calls with Capisuite
Mattia Martinello
2006-09-05 10:40:42 UTC

I have to use an Eicon Diva PCI internal ISDN card to make some phone
calls from my Linux server, and play some audio messages wich are saved
How I can do this with Capisuite?
I only found some howtos about making an answering machine or a faxing
machine, but nothing about making phone calls from my Linux box.

Could you help me, please?

Thank you very much and goodbye.
Oliver Welter
2006-09-05 11:17:37 UTC
Hi Mattia
Post by Mattia Martinello
How I can do this with Capisuite?
With the currently distributed package not at all...
I guess there is some funtionality to do so in the API code but no
frontend script is doing this atm...
So you either start coding or look for another solution - I am playing
with asterisk for quite a while and its amazing waht you can do with it...

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Mattia Martinello
2006-09-05 22:19:57 UTC
Post by Oliver Welter
With the currently distributed package not at all...
I read this in the official manual of Capisuite:

"To also be able to issue outgoing calls, another script is called at
regular intervals - the /idle script/. It can check any resource to get
instructions for placing a call - one can for example imagine to check a
special mail account or watch a special directory where tasks are placed
by the user."

But I don't understand that. Could you explain me this way?

Ingo Göppert
2006-09-06 05:46:23 UTC
Post by Mattia Martinello
Post by Oliver Welter
With the currently distributed package not at all...
"To also be able to issue outgoing calls, another script is called at
regular intervals - the /idle script/. It can check any resource to
get instructions for placing a call - one can for example imagine to
check a special mail account or watch a special directory where tasks
are placed by the user."
But I don't understand that. Could you explain me this way?
sending a fax is also a outgoing call. Voice calls are not possible with
the default scripts: http://www.capisuite.de/manual/ch01s03.html

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Mattia Martinello
2006-09-06 10:17:38 UTC
Post by Ingo Göppert
sending a fax is also a outgoing call. Voice calls are not possible with
the default scripts: http://www.capisuite.de/manual/ch01s03.html
Ok, I Could write a new script for my own, but I don't understand when
the idle script (and the call) will be started.
Is there a way to execute the script any times I need?
Ingo Göppert
2006-09-06 11:48:35 UTC
Post by Mattia Martinello
Post by Ingo Göppert
sending a fax is also a outgoing call. Voice calls are not possible
with the default scripts: http://www.capisuite.de/manual/ch01s03.html
Ok, I Could write a new script for my own, but I don't understand when
the idle script (and the call) will be started.
Is there a way to execute the script any times I need?
The idle sript is executed by the capisuite deamon. The interval is set
in the capisuite configuration. I'm not sure, but i think if you run the
script on the comandline (not started by the capisuite deamon), you
cannot use the capisuite functions in python.

## Registered Linux User #274727 -- http://counter.li.org/
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Mattia Martinello
2006-09-06 11:53:55 UTC
Post by Ingo Göppert
The idle sript is executed by the capisuite deamon. The interval is set
in the capisuite configuration. I'm not sure, but i think if you run the
script on the comandline (not started by the capisuite deamon), you
cannot use the capisuite functions in python.
No, I'm sure I cannot run the script on the comandline...
I have some realtime needs when I make a call...
There is any contraindication to configure a "1 sec" interval in the
Capisuite configuration?

Could you tell me a way to generate a call with my AVM Fritz!Card PCI in
realtime (the call needs to be generated in the same moment I execute
the script...


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