Make a call and send an audio file
Torsten Mueller
2012-04-19 00:05:46 UTC

i use capisuite 0.4.5 mainly as an anwsering machine
with an Eicon card.
I would like to initiate calls with capisuite and
after connecting send an audiofile to the called

It seems, there is already some support in the scripts,
as i found capisuite_call_voice() and audio_send

I am not a phyton guru, it would be nice, if i
could take a look at other scripts, using a similiar
function to place a call.

If i understand it correctly, i must extend the idle.py
to add support for making a voice call. If i intend
to place a call, i put a file, containing "instructions"
in the queue directory, the idly.py script takes the
file and processes it. Is this the right way ?

Torsten Müller
Hartmut Goebel
2012-04-22 11:11:44 UTC
Post by Torsten Mueller
If i understand it correctly, i must extend the idle.py
to add support for making a voice call. If i intend
to place a call, i put a file, containing "instructions"
in the queue directory, the idly.py script takes the
file and processes it. Is this the right way ?
This should be the ways.
Schönen Gruß - Regards
Hartmut Goebel
Dipl.-Informatiker (univ.), CISSP, CSSLP

Goebel Consult
Spezialist für IT-Sicherheit in komplexen Umgebungen

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