tiff2ps broken cs 0.4.5 / suse 8.2
Oliver Welter
2005-02-25 00:25:55 UTC
Hi List,

du to gernots post I upgraded my cs from 0.4.4 to 0.4.5 (Suse RPMs) on
my Suse 8.2 Box.

It seems that the new addded code for the tiff2ps conversion is not
working on my box. The command "tiff2ps -a2 -h11 -H12 -L.5 -w8.5" fails
because my tiff2ps version does not know "H" and "L" - removing them
from cs_helper will bring back the box running...

I have installed libtiff-3.5.7-204 - I know that this is quite old but I
dont want to update because the box is a little bit "crafted" :)


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