capi, fcpci and kernel 2.6.24 --> "icoming call on not existing bchan"
Markus Veltre
2008-04-25 12:59:19 UTC

after upgrading to kernel 2.6.24 (ubuntu hardy) i get the following message in the syslog when I try to place a test-call:

kernel: [ 1179.730505] capidrv-1: incoming call on not existing bchan ?

Capiinfo does return some usefull information, so my capi-driver should work. Capisuite is configured to start the answering machine. Does anybody has an idea how to fix that problem? I'm using an AVM Fritz-Card PCI (rev. 2) on a x86 system. The kernel-modules and capisuite iteself are installed from ubuntu-packages.

(and yes, before the upgrade it worked well)

Thanks a lot in advance!

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